Crateit | Crateit Town | Wooden toys | Master the roundabout

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Take control of the roundabout! Let the children master the roundabout, learn traffic rules and develop coordination. They will navigate turns, understand signals and build their driving skills in a playful and engaging way. It's the perfect place for little drivers to have fun while learning important lessons about the road!


Produced in Denmark

Number of figures/parts: 19 roads and 1 car in the box.

Product number: C1242

Package size: 7 x 40 x 26 cm

Weight: 2615 gr.

  • All our products are made of unstained wood. You have to add color yourself.
  • Can be stained with any kind of ink, paint or crayons.
  • Tubes are not included and can be purchased separately.

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Take an extra ride in the roundabout!

In the roundabout, small motorists can practice maneuvering through the roundabout, finding their way and making fun turns. The roundabout will be an exciting centerpiece of Crateit Town, where play and learning merge while the children challenge their skills and imagination.

Trælegetøj - Mestre rundkørslen

Tag en ekstra tur i rundkørslen!

I rundkørslen kan små bilister øve sig i at manøvrere gennem rundkørslen, finde vej og lave sjove sving. Rundkørslen bliver et spændende midtpunkt i Crateit Town, hvor leg og læring smelter sammen, mens børnene udfordrer deres færdigheder og fantasi.

Børnene kan lære hvad rødt, gult og grønt lys betyder i trafikken. De lære fart grænser, hvornår man holder tilbage og meget mere. Alt mens de har det sjovt!

Trælegetøj - Mestre rundkørslen