Crateit | Crateit Town | Wooden toys | The traffic light hut

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Welcome to the traffic light hut, the nicest corner where your car can rest between adventure. Located at the intersection of comfort and charm, this hut-inspired garage offers a cozy and safe space with plenty of space.


Produced in Denmark

Number of figures/parts: 1 bottom, 4 walls, 2 roof, 1 door, 2 hinges, 1 handle in the box.

Product number: C1220

Package Size: 7 x 26 x 20 cm

Weight: 860 gr.

  • All our products are made of unstained wood. You have to add color yourself.
  • Can be colored with all types of tussles, paints or crayons.
  • Tussers are not included and can be purchased separately.

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Leave up to the next drive in the traffic light hut

Does the driver need a rest? Parks in the traffic lighting hut! Here the cars get a cozy and charming base where they can "charge" for the next trip on the roads. The traffic light hut is a unique garage with a warm atmosphere and plenty of space. Perfect for the little driver who loves comfort and adventure in one place.

Trælegetøj - Hytten

Lad op til næste køretur i Lyskrydshytten

Trænger chaufføren til en hvil? Parker i Lyskrydshytten! Her får bilerne en hyggelig og charmerende base, hvor de kan "lade op" til næste tur på vejene. Lyskrydshytten er en unik garage med en varm atmosfære og masser af plads. Perfekt til den lille chauffør, der elsker komfort og eventyr i ét og samme sted.

I får også muligheden for at designe trælegetøjshytten præcis, som I ønsker. I kan farve den i de klassiske hyttefarver eller gå en helt anden vej. Måske skal hytten ligne resten af jeres Crateit Town? Eller skal den være det helt modsatte? Det er helt op til dig og børnene!

Trælegetøj - Hytten