Crateit | Crateit Town | Wooden toys | Thundered wagon

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When heavy materials need to be moved in Crateit Town, Thunder Vogenen is the best choice. The name says it all - like a thunderstorm, it manages the hardest tasks with ease and handles even the biggest loads without sweating.


Produced in Denmark

Number of figures/parts: 1 barley-self truck, 1 car and 2 sets of wheels in the box.

Product Number: C1202

Package size: 8.5 x 10.5 x 4.0 cm

Weight: 60 gr.

  • All our products are made of unstained wood. You have to add color yourself.
  • Can be stained with all types of tusses, paints or crayons.
  • Tussers are not included and can be purchased separately.

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You will not find a stronger car than the thunder wagon!

Let the children explore the city's construction sites and move large materials - the thunderbolt is always ready to take up the challenge and bring the game to new heights!

Trælegetøj - Tordenbilen

Du finder ikke en stærkere bil end Tordenvognen!

Lad børnene udforske byens byggepladser og flytte store materialer – Tordenvognen er altid parat til at tage udfordringen op og bringe legen til nye højder!

En Tordenvogn skal selvfølgelig også males i flotte farver. I kan male den grøn som de mange andre lastbiler, eller måske skal den udsmykkes med jeres yndlingsfarver. I bestemmer helt selv! Tordenvognen skal nok kunne klare alle opgaverne, uanset hvilken farve I vælger!