Crateit | Crateit Town | Wooden toys | Traffic and Road Signs Expansion Package

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The road signs are ready for the busy day ahead and you can see them lead the drivers around the city. These signs keep the roads safe and help everyone find their way. Whether it is a stop sign, a speed limit or a swing signal, everyone knows that with these signs it is easy to run in Crateit Town.


Produced in Denmark

Number of figures/parts: 10 barley-even signs with 10 associated feet.

Item number: C1200

Size of the package: 8.5 x 10.5 x 4.0 cm

Weight: 85 gr.

  • All our products are made of untreated wood. You have to apply color yourself.
  • Can be colored with all kinds of cloths, paints and crayons.
  • Tubes do not follow and can be purchased separately.

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Run safely in Crateit Town

Do the driving in Crateit Town easy and safe with a selection of road signs that guide motorists through the city streets. From stop signs to turn signals, the signs make sure everyone can find their way and follow the traffic rules. These realistic signs create an exciting and authentic urban experience where children can learn about traffic and security while playing in Crateit Town.

Trælegetøj - Trafikskilte

Udsmyk dine trafikskilte som du har lyst til

Med vores trælegetøjs skilte, har i muligheden for at sørge for at bilerne kommer sikkert rundt i Crateit Town. For at gøre oplevelsen med trafik skiltene endnu federe, betsemmer i helt selv hvordan de skal se ud.

Trælegetøj - Trafikskilte