Crateit | Crateit Town | Wooden toys | Vista Villa

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Welcome to Vista Villa, where your car gets a stylish home for itself! Imagine your vehicle driving into this trendy garage, a place that makes every arrival special. With its elegant design and large windows, Vista Villa transforms parking into a small moment of luxury.


Produced in Denmark

Number of figures/parts: 1 base, 4 walls, 1 roof, 1 door, 2 hinges, 1 handle in the box.

Product Number: C1221

Package size: 7 x 26 x 20 cm

Weight: 860 gr.

  • All our products are made of unstained wood. You have to add color yourself.
  • Can be stained with all types of ink, paint or crayons.
  • Tubes are not included and can be purchased separately.

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Let the car get a rest in Vista Villa

With Vista Villa, the children can put the cars when they need a rest. Vista Villa each makes a parking an experience, whether back or parallel parks.

Trælegetøj - Garage

Lad bilen få et hvil i Vista Villa

Med Vista Villa kan børnene stille bilerne, når de får brug for et hvil. Vista Villa gør hver en parkering til en oplevelse, uanset om der skal bakkes eller parrallelparkeres.

Du kan samtidig sørge for at din garage ser ud lige præcis som du har lyst til. Skal den males blå, rød eller en masse forskellige farver? Det er helt op til dig. Der er ingen regler i Crateit Town.

Trælegetøj - Garage